Donate Now

CUSF offers you several opportunities to support our schools. Whether you prefer to give to our general fund (allowing us to use your gift where it is needed most), a specific program, or a targeted need,
we appreciate your support!
Support the work of CUSF all year. A gift to either the CUSF General Endowment or the 365 Club makes it possible for us to continue inspiring educators and motivating students.
The Champaign Urbana Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization; our EIN # is 37-1273798
Make an impact.
Donate today.
Please make check payable to “CU Schools Foundation” and send to:
CU Schools Foundation
P.O. Box 1166
Champaign, IL 61824-1166
Pass-through/Specific Gifts for our Schools
CUSF encourages private investment in our classrooms and/or by subject area and can direct funds that are compatible with our mission and the school districts’ gift acceptance policies. The Foundation directs thousands of dollars each year to various programs, subject areas, schools and special needs within the district.
If you have a specific gift in mind, be it funding for a field trip, classroom supplies, playground equipment, an after school program or booster support, contact the foundation office at 217-398-2873 for more information.
CUSF is proud to be a valued partner member of GuideStar, sponsored by Philanthropic Research, Inc., a public charity. Click on the GuideStar logo to visit its website — a resource dedicated to improving the efficacy and credibility of nonprofit organizations and providing information to assist donors in making sound decisions. Our current 990 and organizational information is available at no charge on this site.