Connections Fund

The Connections Fund Fosters Resilience
Across the nation, the number of homeless children and youth enrolled in public school has more than doubled since the U.S. Department of Education began collecting data in 2004-05.
Homeless students face many educational barriers due to the disruption and trauma of not having a permanent or safe place to live. Additionally, homeless students endure a lack of basic needs including food, clothing and access to medical treatment. Trying to overcome the stigma and embarrassment related to their housing conditions can have a negative impact on their success in school. Unfortunately, each year the numbers of homeless students in our public schools increase.
“Our partnership with the CU Schools Foundation– United Way and other contributors has been a strong one over the years. The Connections Fund provides basic clothing for the students in need with a referral from their school district, and helps the families make connections to more sustainable housing situations. This is a partnership that we hope to continue for years to come.”
-Gary Lewis, Regional Superintendent
Regional Office of Education
(CUSF has also received generous support from Carle Foundation,
PNC, Bank of Rantoul and Kiwanis Club of CU, along with individual donations.)