Champaign Urbana Schools Foundation (CUSF) will honor four teachers in 2021 with the Shining Star Awards. Selected teachers are nominated by their peers and exhibit exemplary service, extra efforts, enthusiastic attitude and innovative ideas that noticeably benefit their students. Unit 4 Schools are represented by Yoonah (Melanie) Shin, first grade teacher at Stratton Elementary, and Nicole Fitting, Edison Middle School SLIFE (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education) Program teacher. Urbana District 116 is represented by Ellen Archer-Puffer, second grade teacher at Leal Elementary, and Bathel Gilbert, 8 th grade special education teacher at Urbana Middle School.

Yoonah (Melanie) Shin
Yoonah (Melanie) Shin has been teaching first grade at Stratton for the past 9 years. As the pandemic unfolded, Yoonah took initiative to apply for grants to purchase extra chrome books, white boards, markers and more for her young students having difficulty accessing learning materials for remote learning. She delivered food boxes to families at their homes and worked with fellow teachers to provide staff members throughout the district with AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) resources to educate staff and students about the AAPI community.

Nicole Fitting
Nicole Fitting works at Edison Middle School in the SLIFE (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education) Program with recent immigrant students from multi-lingual families. When the pandemic closed schools, Nicole advocated for and created a support network for students and families providing academic, socio-emotional and cross-cultural support for navigating remote learning, technology, and obtaining emergency meals. In August, she organized efforts for hot spots in Shadow Wood where students who live without Wi-Fi could be supported and tutored. One nominator says, “Nicole builds relationships and advocates for her multilingual learners, every step of their journey. She creates solutions for problems, and leaves no student behind when they are discouraged or struggling.”

Ellen Archer-Puffer
Ellen Archer-Puffer’s nominator says “Ellen’s extra efforts and innovation have been instrumental in implementing effective curriculum during the pandemic”. Ms. Archer-Puffer created easy to use take home materials for her 2 nd grade students at Leal Elementary to access. She collaborated with fellow teachers to create, plan and prepare an entire hands-on erosion unit that students could complete at home. Her nominator mentions that “Ellen constantly strove to see things from the perspective of parents and students in order to make remote learning as easy as possible for families to implement.” As a member of the school planning committee(s) this year, she helped determine what school would look like for students as the pandemic unfolded. Ms. Archer-Puffer’s motto “You gotta start somewhere” served her school
community well this year.

Bathel Gilbert
Bathel Gilbert, an 8 th grade special education teacher at Urbana Middle School, began his career as a TA (teaching assistant) at UMS in 2000, and has worked his way through the state licensure program to become a Shining Star educator! His nominator recognizes that Mr. Gilbert is an “excellent colleague and problem solver. He advocates for his special education students as both a case manager and a teacher. This year, many families have reached out for support during the COVID challenges of remote learning. His ability to provide reassurance to special education students and families in helping to chart a path forward to high school is often noted. Mr. Gilbert is a role model who goes above and beyond for students, oftentimes stepping in as a mentor and just lending a helping hand when needed.” He also extends his reach by teaching in the UMS after school program and coaches in the Urbana youth football league.
All teachers will receive a $500 grant from CUSF for their classrooms in the fall. If you are interested in supporting these amazing teachers and their impressive work, please donate here. CUSF’s mission: We invest in educators and students by supporting creativity, innovation and excellence in Champaign and Urbana public schools. For more information contact 217-398-2873.